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Terrible philosophy jokes:
- Nelson Goodman drowns his sorrows
- The Problems of Philosophers
- Pyrrho wins the lottery
- Beetle in a Box
- Kierkegaard at the Rave
- In which Peter Singer investigates a basement flood (español)
- Logicians Find a Genie
- Bad news at the Doctor
- Plotinus was a helluva cardshark
- How Philosophy is Made
- Kafka at the DMV
- Turing Test (español)
- Kierkegaard wasn't really the greatest at small talk.
- Maimonides on the Nature of God
- The Splash
- Diogenes's Lantern
- Philosophy 101
- We Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy
- The Analytics at the Bar
- Philosophy News Network
- The Sighting
- Buried Treasure
- Mister Nozick's Neighborhood
- Immanuel Kant: Fresh Prince of Philosophy
- Schopenhauer and Hegel
- Existential Radio
- The Best of All Possible Video Games
- The Philosopher King
- A lesson in Stoicism from Marcus Aurelius
- Zeno and Zeno
- Philosophy Tech Support
- Fastest Gun in the Continent
- The Medicis
- Mad Philosophy
- David Chalmers and the Panpsychists
- The Return Counter
- The Bar Tab
- Existential Cooking
- Philosophy Humans
- Twelve Angry Philosophers
- Existential Birthday
- Pokemon Philosophy
- The Most Ubermensch Man in the World
- The Socratic Method
- Existential Office
- Philosophical Investigations
- Descartes's Demon
- Newton and Leibniz
- Sartre: A Show About Nothingness
- Silicon Valley Philosophy
- Despair Bears
- Philosophy News Network: The Death of God
- Analytic Office
- Philosophy Club
- Star Trek: but instead of normal, it's with philosophers
- Skeptiholics Anonymous
- Philosophy as Therapy
- Hypatia of Alexandria and the Seven Presocratics
- Philosophy News Network: the Presidential Debates
- The Weeping Philosopher
- Harry Potter and the set of all sets that do not contain themselves
- Existential Shopping Network
- The "Apology"
- Albert Camus: the Absurd Hero
- Sartre's Waiter
- Star Wars: but instead of normal, it's with philosophers
- A very spooky philosophy Halloween
- Sartre: a Show About Nothingness 2
- Trolley Madness
- Objection!
- Gottfried Leibniz and the Quest for the Holy Grail
- We must imagine Sisyphus as having a hard time readjusting to civilian life
- Alien Wisdom
- A Visit From St. Marx
- Good Cop, Pragmatist About the Nature of Truth Cop
- Philosophy and the City
- Wittgenstein's Monster
- CSI: Athens
- In which John Rawls is a bad tipper.
- Walden; or, Life in the Woods
- Rebel Without a Constant Conjunction
- The Twilight Zone, with Slavoj Zizek
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar Who Then Came to Realize That Life Was Meaningless
- Philosophy Overdose
- The Incoherence of the Philosophers
- Wise or Not Wise
- Ancient Greek Office
- Epictetus was a hardass professor
- The Vindication of the Rights of Mary Wollstonecraft
- Epicureanism: The Original Party School
- Philosophically Curious George and the Limits of Empiricism
- Cartesian Roommates
- Marxist Business Consulting
- Product Testing
- Terminator: The Simone de Beauvoir Chronicles
- Existential Hour
- A robbery at the Wittgenstein Bank
- Zeno and Zeno: the case of the milk
- Philosopher under the bed
- Athenian Park
- The Bar Fight
- Dead Philosopher in Heaven
- The Young Hegelians
- Bertrand Russell on the Job Market
- Nietzsche tries speed dating
- The Next Great Stoic Competition
- Sexy Vampires and Existential Philosophy
- Socrates on the Lake
- Karl Marx: Hostage Negotiator
- Jury Selection
- The Consolation of Philosophy
- Dog Philosophy
- Cat Philosophy
- The Beautiful and the Sublime
- The Philosophy Friends
- Friedrich Nietzsche: Director of Human Resources
- Immanuel Kant: the 40 Year Old Virgin
- The Death of Hypatia
- The Hague Congress of 1872
- Sartre's Muse
- France's Next Great Philosopher
- Albert Camus, Existential Agent
- Office Realpolitik
- The Vienna Circle Faces a Crisis of Logical Positivism
- The Philosophy of Teenage Language
- Existential Daycare
- Philosophy Jeopardy
- Kierkegaard Relates to the Common Man
- The Council of Elrond
- Kant Goes to Poker Night
- Socrates Gets Socrates'd
- Door to Door Existentialism
- Stoic School Athletics
- A Day in the Life of Albert Camus
- A Presocratic Get Together
- The Life of Francis
- Wittgenstein in the Great War
- Philosophy News Network: Derrida Arrested
- Mad Marx: The Class Warrior
- It's Always Sunny in Paris
- Cartesian Office
- The Pythagoreans
- The Philosophy Force Five vs the Scientismists
- Philosophy News Network: Philosophy Solved
- Emo Socrates
- It's Always Sunny in Paris 2
- Schopenhauer's Mom
- Philosophy Infomercial
- The True Meaning of Life
- Philosophy News Network: Strike
- The Philosophical Duel
- Stoicism Bootcamp
- The 100% True Story of the Writing of the Communist Manifesto
- Existential Ad Agency
- Philosophers at the Casino
- Pure Ideology, by MC Zizek
- Hegel and Fichte
- Nietzsche at the Bar
- Anarchist Milk
- Pokémon Revolution
- Sherlock Hume
- The Death of Schopenhauer
- The Amazing Descartes
- Existential Chess
- Thales Invents Philosophy
- In Which Nietzsche Learns the True Meaning of Christmas
- Philosophy News Network: Postmodernism Special Report
- Diogenes and Plato
- Existentialism at the Beach
- Hegel and the March of History
- Escape from Plato's Cave
- Socrates 101
- The Postmodernists
- Good Cop, Existential Despair Cop
- Jenga and the Meaning of Life
- Philosophy News Network: The Evil Demon
- Existential Werewolves
- Fear and Tremblin Factor
- Philosophers And Physicists
- Buddha and Hume
- Law and Philosophy
- Plato and the Poets
- Desert Island Economics
- The Look
- Utilitarianism Party
- Wisdom Lovers
- Inappropriate Reading Material
- Business Ethics, with Karl Marx
- The Blind Philosopher
- Philosophy Round Table: Human Nature
- Philosophy Comedy Club, with Karl Marx
- Sartre and the Chestnut Tree
- Wittgenstein's Lion
- Life Decisions
- Anarchy in the UK
- In Which Jean-Paul Sartre Attempts to Return Some Socks
- A Brief History of Metaphysics
- Adorno Returns
- The Vienna Circle Solves Philosophy
- The Utilitarian Calculator
- Punk Rock Philosophy
- Freudian Therapy
- Schopenhauer at the Market
- The Frankfurt Four
- An Ethical Dilemma Finally Resolved
- Green Eggs and the Absurd
- Super Mario and the Meaning of Life
- The Temptations of Augustine
- Karl Marx's Day Off
- Stoic Relationship Advice
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Karl Marx Gets a Job
- Hume and Avicenna
- Is a Hotdog a Sandwich? A Definitive Study.
- Schopenhauer and Buddha
- Epictetus Has a Bad Day
- Philosophy Job Interview
- In Which Friedrich Nietzsche is a Fan of the Cleveland Browns
- Socrates the Cop
- The Vienna Circle Solves Humor
- Humean Child Raising
- Aladdin's Wish
- Back to the Future
- Wittgenstein Plays Scrabble
- Potluck Economics
- Philosophy Booth
- Nietzsche Takes a Student
- The Last Chance at Happiness, with Jeremy Bentham
- James Bond vs Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Freud and Popper
- Stoic Apathy
- Meinong's Jungle and the Quest for the Married Bachelor
- Sartre Advises a Student
- Philosophy Emergency
- Wittgenstein At The Doctor
- Zeno's Pyramid
- Wittgenstein Revises His Thesis
- Principal Kant
- Philosophy News Network: Science Solves Philosophy
- What is Existentialism?
- The Secret History of Philosophy
- Aristotle's Golden Mean
- Immanual Kant Writes His Dating Profile
- Contemplations on Eternity
- French Radical Eye for the Conservative Guy
- We Must Imagine Sisyphus as having Met Camus
- Hegel's Last Words
- Jeremy Bentham Designs a Prison
- Bertrand Russell has a Near Death Experience
- Kierkegaard at the Dentist
- Simone Weils Gives a Convincing Argument
- Wittgenstein Teaches Elementary School
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra
- A Brief History of Philosophical Skepticism
- Nietzsche and Wagner
- Hegel!
- Marxist Financial Advice
- Cthulhu Rises
- A Brief History of Ethical Theories
- Nietzsche Gets a Bad Performance Review
- Braveheart's Speech
- Eowyn Kills the Witch King
- The Philosophy of a Good Party
- Career Counseling
- Wittgenstein Solves Philosophy
- Stupid Meaning of Life
- Plato Produces a Play
- Stoic Advice
- Utilitarian Dictator
- Karl Marx Job Interview
- Philosophy News Network: Should We All Just Kill Ourselves or What?
- Thales Picks Water
- Why Do Philosophy?
- Humean Seduction
- Simone Weil vs the Existentialists
- John Searle Enters the Matrix
- Freedom and Battleship
- Philosophy During a Pandemic
- Philosopher's Beard
- Philosopher's Challenge
- Scooby-Doo and the Case of the Missing Landlords
- Coach Epictetus
- The Ambitions of Philosophy
- Philosophers and Drugs
- The Marketplace of Ideas
- Bertrand Russell Invents Analytic Philosophy
- Foucault Builds a School
- Socrates Invents Western Civilization
- Anarchist Organizing
- The Ghost of Existentialism
- Existential Despair Hotline
- Hegel and the End of History
- Angela Davis vs the Liberal Reformers
- John Rawls and the Original Position
- Even Freakier Friday
- The Life and Philosophy of Michel Foucault
- Sartre Writes Nausea
- The Philosophy of Humor
- Schopenhauer's Despair
- Turing Tests and Other Things of That Nature
- Three Little Philosophers of Science
- The Wise Man on the Mountain
- Eternal Recurrence
- The Ethics of Ambiguity
- The Invention of Philosophy
- Diotima Teaches Socrates Love
- Rational Self Interest
- Philosophy News Network: is Philosophy Useless?
- Marxist Brainstorming
- Husserl Defends His Dissertation
- A Seducer's Diary
- Captain Metaphysics and the Philosophical Zombie
- Herbert Spencer Visits Pittsburgh
- Kierkegaard's Despair
- All Men Are Mortal
- Socratic Love
- Verificationist Man
- Desert Island Philosophy
- Philosophical Discussion Group
- Zera Yacob
- Philosophy Anonymous
- The State of Nature: Hobbes vs Rousseau
- Freud and Jung Split Over Differences
- Fireworks and a Theory of Language
- Thomas More's Utopia
- Communism Store
- Galileo and the Empirical Technique
- Philosophers Rebuild Society
- The History of Philosophy From the Perspective of Chicken Enchiladas
- Calvin and Thomas Hobbes
- Philosophy at the Olympics
- Communist Brainstorming
- Hobbes, Locke, and Very Silly Hats
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Question
- A Postmodern Villain
- Sartrean Freedom
- Kierkegaard Goes to Therapy
- Socrates Through Time
- A Day in the Life of Arthur Schopenhauer
- Presocratic Staff Meeting
- Meditations on Second Philosophy
- Dostoyevsky Find Other Employment
- The Unexamined Life
- The Philosophers Dating Game
- Super Academics
- Philosophical Mythbusters
- Francis Bacon Invents Science
- Philosopher's Cookoff
- Socratic Emergency
- Thales and the Olive Presses
- On The Usefulness of Philosophy
- Nietzsche Faces the Modern Age
- Fear and Loathing in French Phenomenology
- Existentialism at the Peephole
- Stoicism City
- Pride and Prejudice and Logical Positivism
- Immanuel Kant's Day Off
- Sun Tzu vs Machiavelli
- In Which Bertrand Russell Asks Out a Girl
- Nietzsche Fights the Law
- Explaining Capitalism to Aliens
- Philosophy News Network: Street Philosophy
- Lassie Saves the Day
- Camus Teaches Elementary Scohol
- The Owl of Minerva
- The End of the Dinosaurs
- Immanuel Kant on Sex
- Anarchy on the Street
- Utilitarianism Man
- The Wisdom of Aristotle
- Nietzsche Returns
- An Exact Scientific Birthday
- Dostoevsky and the Meaning of Suffering
- Uncomfortable Truths
- Brave Sir Marx
- Philosophy Department
- Super Philosophers
- Raccoons and the Meaning of Life
- Philosophy and Traffic
- The Ultimate Secret of Philosophy
- Utilitarian Strategies
- Iron Man and the Villains of Society
- Wittgenstein at the Zoo
- Existential Despair Club
- Presocratic Return Policy
- Robots and the Meaning of Life
- Socrates on the Street
- Flying Kites with Simone de Beauvoir
- Chimpanzee Capitalism
- The Value of Philosophy
- Wake Up, Sartre
- Why Learn Math?
- Language Drinking Games
- Exact Scientific Definition of Cool
- Why Gather Nuts for Winter?
- Fish Philosophy
- Socratic Civilization
- The Vastness of the Universe
- Wise King Inwagen
- Philosophers and Time Travel
- The True Story of the Writing of Meditations on First Philosophy
- Philosophy in a Free Fall
- Cows and the Meaning of Life
- Harry Potter and the Transgender Problem
- Frege in the Public Square
- The Doctor and the Great Philosopher
- Philosophy Bootcamp
- Military Morality
- Great Thinkers See the Present Day
- The Rise of the Pawns
- Why Do Philosophy?
- Philosopher on the Mountain
- Freedom and Machines
- Philosophy at the Shield Wall
- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
- Would You Still Love Me If I Were a Worm?
- Philosophy Strike!
- Brave Sir Bentham, Utilitarian Knight
- Philosophically Arguing With the Ref
- World Championship Philosophy
- A Very Marxist Christmas
- The Boxers
- Socrates Contests a Traffic Ticket
- The Riddle of the Sphinx
- Simone Weil Takes Ethics 101
- Kierkegaard at the Fair
- Modern Stoic Philosophy
- A Long Term Birthday Problem
- Ambiguity Man
- Emergency Existentialism
- Spinoza Defends Himself Against Charges of Atheism
- ChatGPT Gains Sentience
- Your Money or Your Life!
- The Death of Empedocles
- Sartre Perceives Not Pierre
- Socratic Humility
- The Drowning Utilitarian
- Philosophical Ghostbusters
- Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
- Reverse Turing Test
- Will To Build a Pyramid
- Extreme Skepticism
- 500th Comic
- The Invention of Agriculture
- G.E. Moore's Nightmare
- Nietzsche On Women
- Wittgenstiein vs Socrates
- The Philosophy Gym
- Who Wants to be a Philosopher?
- Hulk Think
- Sisyphus On Strike
- Camus on a Date
- Alien Landing
- The Interrogation
- Thomas Hobbes and The King
- Philosophy Cop
- Seize the Means of Production
- Philosophy at a Red Light
- The Emperor's New Clothes
- The Greatest Ambition of Philosophy
- Desert Philosophy
- Anarchist Chess
- The Philosophy of War
- March of the Penguins, Narrated by Soren Kierkegaard
- Philosophical Holdup
- Philosophical Pickup Lines
- Ten Years of Existential Comics
- We Live in a Society
- More Parmesan?
- Fantasy Morality
- Attack of the 50 Foot Eco-Cyborg-Feminist
- To The Bliss
- A Very Scientific Birthday
- The Despair of the Avocado
- Dog and Cat Morality
- Sun Tzu and the Art of Business
- What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
- The Judgement of Jeremy Bentham
- Greek Warfare
- The Philosophy Of Magic
- Lab Mice and the Meaning of Life
- The Metaphor of Godzilla
- The Wealth of Dragons
- Transcendental French Freedom
- Orangutan Freedom
- Occam's Razor
- Deal with the Devil
- The Myth of Er
- Philosophy Museum
- Socratic Hostage Negotiations
- The Philosophy of Genie Wishes
- The Philosophy of Time and Ice Cream
- Freedom From Struggle
- Early Wittgenstein Becomes Late Wittgenstein
- Epicurean Fine Dining
- The Three Little Pigs
- Dogmatism and Skepticism
- The Sword in the Stone
- Sauron the Economist
- AI and the Meaning of Life
- The Bertrand Russell Paradox
- Plato vs Democracy
- No Motive
- Nietzsche vs Socrates
- Philosopher News Network: Doping Scandal
- The Vastness of the Universe and the Meaning of Life
- Edmund Burke Runs For Re-election
- Ignorance is Bliss
- The Greatest Happiness Possible
- A Brief History of Human Nature
- Dogmatic Slumber
- An Alternate History of the Galileo Affair
- The Upbringing of John Stuart Mill
- The Defeat of Sauron
- Francis Bacon vs the Scholastics
- Plato vs Nietzsche: Who is the Real Nerd?
- The Death of Socrates
- Forced to Be Free
- Bertrand Russell Files for Divorce
- Philosophy in 5000 B.C.
- The Philosophy of Fire
- Empiricism vs Rationalism: the Final Fight
- Zizek Gets a Business Loan
- The Philosophy Store
- Health Insurance Trolley
- Nietzsche Encounters the Abyss
- Cartesian Pickup Advice
- Time Traveling Intellectuals
- The History of What is the Good Life
- The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules
- Resident Philosopher for AI Ethics
- The Once and Future King
- The Censorship of Spinoza