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We Live in a Society

Do I want to eat an entire cake by myself? No. Will I do it to spite Rousseau? Abosolutely.
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Hobbes more or less thought we all give up our freedom to live under the absolute authority of the State because without it we would all be in a constant state of war and violence against each other over resources. So essentially people can't be trusted to dole out the birthday cake evenly themselves with a cop watching, or we'd all be at each other's throats.

He lived in a pretty violent time where the English monarchs were constantly starting wars with each other over every little reason, so he had some reason to think this, but his view on human's natural social cooperation was pretty dim.

Hobbes more or less thought we all give up our freedom to live under the absolute authority of the State because without it we would all be in a constant state of war and violence against each other over resources. So essentially people can't be trusted to dole out the birthday cake evenly themselves with a cop watching, or we'd all be at each other's throats.

He lived in a pretty violent time where the English monarchs were constantly starting wars with each other over every little reason, so he had some reason to think this, but his view on human's natural social cooperation was pretty dim.

Philosophers in this comic: Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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