Forced to Be Free

Sometimes people talk about testing voters on their knowledge before allowing them to vote, but I think forcing them to read Rousseau last minute at gunpoint is just more in line with American Values.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/575
We Live in a Society

Do I want to eat an entire cake by myself? No.
Will I do it to spite Rousseau? Abosolutely.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/525
Your Money or Your Life!

Yes, that is exactly what Rousseau meant by "forced to be free".
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/490
The State of Nature: Hobbes vs Rousseau

Philosophy would be a lot easier if everything were black and white.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/379
Potluck Economics

"What did you bring again, Marx?"
"I brought the cake."
"I thought Engels brought that."
"Uh...it's from both of us."
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/280
Social Contract Theory: The Game

It turns out that when you agree to play a game with Camus, you implicitly agree to the "Camus Contract". That means Camus is gonna do whatever the fuck he wants.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/211
Risk: a Game of Conquest, a Game of Philosophy

This comic actually takes place over the course of seven hours. Not shown was the six hours and fifty five minutes of rolling dice and swearing.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/34