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Hegel's Last Words

Description: Hegel is lying on his deathbed.

Hegel: "Come close, my friends... i am dying. These are my final words..."

Hegel: "Only one man ever understood me, and he misunderstood me!"

Hegel's friend 1: "...well maybe you should have explained it better."
Hegel's friend 2: "yeah for sure. it was written terribly, that was the problem."
Hegel's friend 3: "Yeah you should have just explained it normal."

Hegel: "You know what? Screw you guys. that isn't my final quote, it is this: we have reached the end of history. Not because we finished the project of perfecting our ideas, but because the project won't make any progress after I've died."

Hegel: "Because you are all stupid idiots!"
Hegel: "And with that i die."
Description: Hegel closes his eyes and his tongue is sticking out.

Hegel's friend 1: "Hegel we can see that you aren't dead, you are breathing still."

Hegel: "I'm dead! Go away."
"Not a single person can understand me, could it be something I did wrong? No, it's every single person on Earth who is wrong."
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Supposedly Hegel's last words really were some kind of woeful lament about how no one had ever understood him. Since he's died, and indeed during his life, many philosophers have complained about his obscurism, and even accused him of intentionally writing badly to prevent people from understanding him. While some people, such as Hegel, believed his ideas are just that intrinsicly difficulty to understand, there are others, such as everyone else, who thought he probably could have done a better job explaining them.

Supposedly Hegel's last words really were some kind of woeful lament about how no one had ever understood him. Since he's died, and indeed during his life, many philosophers have complained about his obscurism, and even accused him of intentionally writing badly to prevent people from understanding him. While some people, such as Hegel, believed his ideas are just that intrinsicly difficulty to understand, there are others, such as everyone else, who thought he probably could have done a better job explaining them.

Philosophers in this comic: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
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