A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


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Rational Self Interest

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Ayn Rand, speaking to factory workers (as their boss): "Good news everyone! The engineers have created a machine that makes it so we can produce the same amount with only half the work! "

Worker: "Wow, that's great Ayn Rand, so we only have to work half as many hours? "
Ayn Rand: "What? No, you still have to work just as hard."

Worker: "So we get twice the salary? "
Ayn Rand: "Are you kidding? Of course not."

Worker: "So what do we get?"

Ayn Rand: "Nothing, obviously. Do you own the machines they made? No. Oh by the way, i almost forgot to mention, I'm rolling back everyone's pensions. "

Ayn Rand: "You see, according to my philosophy everyone should follow their rational self interest. Which means all for me and none for anyone else. Now get back to work you lousy moochers!"

Description: Some time has passed. The workers are building a guillotine.

Ayn Rand: "What's with the Guillotine?"
Workers: "Well, we decided to follow your advice and act in our rational self interest..."
The biggest mistake the Bolsheviks made was sending Ayn Rand to University and letting her read Nietzsche.
Philosophers in this comic: Ayn Rand
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