A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


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The Rise of the Pawns

Only when every King is dead will the pawns finally have the freedom to, uh...move backwards.
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Also, check out the real time chess game I made, it's a remake of an old game Kung Fu Chess, at www.kungfuchess.org. All the pieces can move away once, then have to recharge. It's like 1000 time more fun than chess. Also, please join the discord, which is the place I am most friendly and will actually talk to people, including about the comic. Also follow my @KungFuChessOrg twitter account for chess jokes. Also do me a favor and help me bully Eric Rosen into playing on Twitch more often. You can see him play against the greatest Kung Fu Master of all time here:


Oh, also there is a super fast 4way mode.

This is how the game looks:

Also, check out the real time chess game I made, it's a remake of an old game Kung Fu Chess, at www.kungfuchess.org. All the pieces can move away once, then have to recharge. It's like 1000 time more fun than chess. Also, please join the discord, which is the place I am most friendly and will actually talk to people, including about the comic. Also follow my @KungFuChessOrg twitter account for chess jokes. Also do me a favor and help me bully Eric Rosen into playing on Twitch more often. You can see him play against the greatest Kung Fu Master of all time here:


Oh, also there is a super fast 4way mode.

This is how the game looks:

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