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Epicureanism: The Original Party School

"Plus, no hangover, so we feel great in the morning!" "Actually bro, I ate like an ENTIRE pot of cheese, and I'm not feeling so great."
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The Epicureans, despite being avowed hedonists and the modern connotations of the word, weren't really interested in the sort of sensual pleasure that we think of as hedonism. They believed that the most pleasurable life mostly consisted of avoiding pain and unpleasantness by leading a simple, tranquil life free of worries and suffering. The best kinds of pleasures were not excessive ones that could lead to displeasure down the line (such as intensely desiring it, or hangovers), but simple pleasures that fulfill basic desires (hungry, sleep, etc). Likewise you should avoid excess or unnecessary desires such as greed, lust, and domination over others. Their prescribed path might be viewed as boring to many modern and ancient readers: doing gardening, meditating, and avoid politics and conflict. Epicurus said that he could be satisfied with merely water, bread, weak wine and a "pot of cheese."

The Epicureans, despite being avowed hedonists and the modern connotations of the word, weren't really interested in the sort of sensual pleasure that we think of as hedonism. They believed that the most pleasurable life mostly consisted of avoiding pain and unpleasantness by leading a simple, tranquil life free of worries and suffering. The best kinds of pleasures were not excessive ones that could lead to displeasure down the line (such as intensely desiring it, or hangovers), but simple pleasures that fulfill basic desires (hungry, sleep, etc). Likewise you should avoid excess or unnecessary desires such as greed, lust, and domination over others. Their prescribed path might be viewed as boring to many modern and ancient readers: doing gardening, meditating, and avoid politics and conflict. Epicurus said that he could be satisfied with merely water, bread, weak wine and a "pot of cheese."

Philosophers in this comic: Epicurus
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