A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


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The Wrath of the Sea

A man walks along the beach, below the cliffs.

The sea draws in a might breath.

...and the water recedes from the beach.

The man looks out upon the ocean and sees a distant white line - the foam of the crest of the deadly wave.

He is trapped between the cliffs and the tsunami, but he does not feel fear.
A man wanders alone in the darkness of the jungle.

He sees the flash of two pale dots in the darkness.

A terrible fear takes him, for he knows an agent of death lurks behind the black.

However, while a jaguar is a terrible foe for a lonesome soul in the dark depths of the jungle - it is not the wrath of the sea.
For when the man looks upon the wave, he feels not only his imminent death - but also, in equal measure, the insignificance of his life.

Fear and awe rise up together as one, in a way that only man can feel.

The beast will only know fear.

For the beast has not forgotten his insignificance.

But man has forgotten. He has built monuments to his greatness, to his sovereignty over nature.

But he has mistaken the beasts that roam the plains with nature herself. He has conquered lion, but his cleverness means nothing to the sea.
Even the mightiest emperor reigned over but a stone.

He forgets that his stone belongs first tot he sun, the tiniest, and most unnoteworthy of stars.

He forgets that his stone can be turned to ash on its slightest whims.

But when the sea bears upon him, he suddenly remembers it all. Just before his body is flung against the cliffs, he is reduced to a nothingness in his own mind. A terrible exultation overcomes him as the sea returns him back to the thing-in-itself.

This is what we call the sublime. Follow on bluesky

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