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Angela Davis vs the Liberal Reformers

Description: five identical looking white liberals are sitting at a table.

Liberal: "Gentlemen, prison populations are out of control, and treatment of prisoners is getting worse, not better. We need to find a solution."

Liberal: "Since the 1970s prison population has grown by a factor of seven. America now has more prisoners per capita than any other country."

Liberal: "The conditions of the prison are getting more brutal, educational opportunities for prisoners are being stripped away, in some cases books are even disallowed."

Liberal: "In addition, the justice system is deeply racist, almost one third of black men will pass through a jail or prison in their lives, compared to just four percent of white men."

Liberal: "Once there they are used as cheap labor for multinational corporations to cut costs. Many have even called this slave labor."

Liberal: "We've gathered this panel of the most enlightened, intelligent, elite liberals we could find to solve this problem once and for all."

Description: the camera zooms out to show Angela Davis along with the five white liberals.

Liberal: "Also...we invited Angela Davis because it looked bad that we didn't have any black people on the panel."
Liberal: "So, what should we do?"
Liberal: "What we need to do is ensure humane prison conditions, such as clean water and clean air. 

Angela Davis: "I'm not sure-"
Liberal, cutting her off: "What if we give the cops another $300 million, then they can get to know people better. Also they can buy more armored cars."

Angela Davis: "Spending more-"
Liberal, cutting her off: "We need to give financial incentives to States to incarcerate less kids."
Angela Davis: "Less kids...? Why would any civilized society need to throw children in jail at all?"

Angela Davis: "Why don't we just...abolish prison?"

Liberal: "Blasphemy!"
Liberal: "anarchy! "
Liberal: "Where will we put the burglars!"
Liberal: "Who will protect us from the poor?"

Angela Davis: "People don't steal because there are no prisons, they steal because there are no jobs."

Angela Davis: "Look, if we want to work towards a better society, we should working towards decarceration, imagining a rehabilitative justice, and eventually abolishing the prisons entirely."

Liberal: "Ohhh, now we get it, you've really changed our minds."
Angela Davis: "So you agree we need to work to abolish prisons?"
Liberal: "No, we've changed our minds about you. It's clear you are a danger to society, and we called the FBI on you."

Angela Davis, from behind bars: "God damnit."
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal...
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Angela Davis is a philosopher and activist who wrote "Are Prisons Obsolete?", one of the best known works in the prison abolitionist movement. Prison abolitionists, unlike liberal reformers who merely want to create more civilized prisons, want to do away with the concept that a large portion of the population needs to be locked away at all. Of course, this process involves a lot more than just releasing every prisoner immediately, and seeks to abolish the systems which make the prison necessary in the first place, such as poverty, inequality, homelessness, and lack of education.

All of the liberal positions were taken direction from Joe Biden's justice reform platform.

Angela Davis is a philosopher and activist who wrote "Are Prisons Obsolete?", one of the best known works in the prison abolitionist movement. Prison abolitionists, unlike liberal reformers who merely want to create more civilized prisons, want to do away with the concept that a large portion of the population needs to be locked away at all. Of course, this process involves a lot more than just releasing every prisoner immediately, and seeks to abolish the systems which make the prison necessary in the first place, such as poverty, inequality, homelessness, and lack of education.

All of the liberal positions were taken direction from Joe Biden's justice reform platform.

Philosophers in this comic: Angela Davis
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