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The Philosophical Duel

Ironically, it is the best of all possible worlds where most people think The Monadology is stupid.
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Parmenides believed that reality was unified, eternal, and unchanging. He thought any change we see is only an illusion. His pupil, Zeno, went on the to come up with many famous thought experiments, showing the inherent contradictions in believing that the Universe is divisible into parts, or that change or motion occurs.

Leibniz believed that God would create the Universe in the most perfect possible way, because God is perfectly rational, and perfectly good, He would only select the best possible Universe to be the one that was actually created. I know that seems unlike, on account of how this world is total garbage, but the other possible worlds probably don't even have amazing huge wigs, or something like that.

Parmenides believed that reality was unified, eternal, and unchanging. He thought any change we see is only an illusion. His pupil, Zeno, went on the to come up with many famous thought experiments, showing the inherent contradictions in believing that the Universe is divisible into parts, or that change or motion occurs.

Leibniz believed that God would create the Universe in the most perfect possible way, because God is perfectly rational, and perfectly good, He would only select the best possible Universe to be the one that was actually created. I know that seems unlike, on account of how this world is total garbage, but the other possible worlds probably don't even have amazing huge wigs, or something like that.

Philosophers in this comic: Parmenides, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
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