A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes

The Philosophy of Time and Ice Cream

Hooray for Pokey!!

Presocratic Staff Meeting

"It's just a word. Don't you know anything about language? The sounds are arbitrary"

A Presocratic Get Together

But actually Pythagoras was wrong, the perfect joke is made of water because everything is water.

The Philosophical Duel

Ironically, it is the best of all possible worlds where most people think The Monadology is stupid.

Ancient Greek Office

They all laughed, but Thales's bottled water company went on to become a billion dollar empire.


Although Sartre was obviously in bad faith when he said that Nietzsche has a terrible mustache, because come on.

Hypatia of Alexandria and the Seven Presocratics

Later on, Socrates forgot that he poisoned the apple, and ate it himself. Plato had to make up this whole story about an apology, because it was just too embarrassing.
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