A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


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Lassie Saves the Day

Description: Lassie runs up to the Sheriff to get his attention.

Sheriff: "What is it Lassie? "
Lassie: "Ruff! ruff!"

Sheriff: "Timmy? He has fallen in the well?!"
Towns-person: "We have to do something!"

Sheriff: "What's that, Lassie?"

Lassie: "ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff. ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff. ruff ruff, ruff ruff ruff?"

Sheriff: "We can cause more total good by raising money for clean water in Africa, because our only moral obligation should be to cause the most happiness, and the happiness of those across the world has no less worth than that of the people we know and love?"

Towns-person: "Good job Lassie!"
Sheriff: "Who cares about Timmy, in particular!"
"You wouldn't believe it, but according to my research you can cause the most net happiness by taking dogs to the park."
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Similar to Peter Singer's drowning child thought experiment, for Utilitarians there is nothing more special about saving one life over another, so theoretically if it would take more effort to save Timmy than it would to save lives across the world by raising money, they should do that instead (people may be tempted to point out that they can simple do both, but no, WRONG, Timmy must die).

Similar to Peter Singer's drowning child thought experiment, for Utilitarians there is nothing more special about saving one life over another, so theoretically if it would take more effort to save Timmy than it would to save lives across the world by raising money, they should do that instead (people may be tempted to point out that they can simple do both, but no, WRONG, Timmy must die).

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