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Frege in the Public Square

"Wait one more thing, I promise it isn't about the Jews." "Okay what?" "The thing about Gypsies is th-" "Nope back to the farm!"
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Frege was a sort of "philosophers philosopher" where he was very influential among philosophers, but the general public hadn't heard of him, or read him. This is mostly do to the fact that he only really produced highly technical philosophy of math, language, etc that wasn't interesting to the public. Also it turned out from his private notes that he was an enthusiastic Nazi, he thought some of the more important political questions of the time were "how are we going to get rid of the Jews?" and "we need to come up with a way to distinguish Jews from non-Jews with 100% accuracy", so yeah there's that too.

Frege was a sort of "philosophers philosopher" where he was very influential among philosophers, but the general public hadn't heard of him, or read him. This is mostly do to the fact that he only really produced highly technical philosophy of math, language, etc that wasn't interesting to the public. Also it turned out from his private notes that he was an enthusiastic Nazi, he thought some of the more important political questions of the time were "how are we going to get rid of the Jews?" and "we need to come up with a way to distinguish Jews from non-Jews with 100% accuracy", so yeah there's that too.

Philosophers in this comic: Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell
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