The History of What is the Good Life
I know it's hard to imagine, but I've even heard that some people like to leave the house and socialize.
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The Death of Socrates
"Oh and one more thing, if you do happen to write anything down, make sure to get my opinions on how loverboys are still hot even if they grow a beard, people in the future need to know."
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Nietzsche vs Socrates
"And then Zarathustra made the classic mistake of starting a cult that wasn't a weird sex cult. If you are going to start a cult, you should at the very least be doing weird sex stuff or you aren't going to have a good time..."
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Socratic Hostage Negotiations
Socrates, pointing the gun, "oh yeah, one more thing, can you go ahead and define what you think justice means? because you seem to claim to know..."
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To The Bliss
Gorgias, entering the scene: "should I dispatch him?"
Protagoras: "No, I want him to live a long life, alone with his intellectual honesty."
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Philosophy Cop
"Derrida: Hands up, philospohy internal affairs internal affairs: you are under arrest for assuming the truth can be conceived of outside of the infinite chain of linguist symbols!"
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Who Wants to be a Philosopher?
"Also I win a million dollars, so everyone pay up."
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Wittgenstiein vs Socrates
Some beautiful day in the distant future, the project of philosophy will be complete. It will only occur when a great person arises, and through careful study of all past philosophers figures out how to become the most annoying person to ever live. Only then can humanity finally rest.
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500th Comic
Seriously though thanks for the support over the years.
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500th Comic
Seriously though thanks for the support over the years.
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Socratic Humility
Socrates: "when you think about it I'm the most humble person in the world. By far, really."
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Socrates Contests a Traffic Ticket
"I choose to accept my punishment, because I lived under the laws so I must honour those laws to the letter, even if they are really, really stupid..."
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Socratic Emergency
It was around that point that Plato realized an ultimate truth in philosophy: he was freakin' jacked and didn't have to take anyone's shit.
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The Unexamined Life
Socrates: "also check out my onlyfans where subscribers can see me contemplating the pure forms of beauty."
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Socrates Through Time
If i could travel back in time i would give Hitler a printout of the wikipedia page of logical fallacies to help improve his critical thinking abilities, thus preventing the Holocaust.
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Philosophy at the Olympics
"But what really does it mean to be the best? It fuckin' rules, that's what it means."
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Philosophy Anonymous
"Am I addicted to pushing people down the stairs? Well, that all depends, define 'stairs'."
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Socratic Love
Socrates love is when you love asking questions more than you love not drinking hemlock.
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Diotima Teaches Socrates Love
Oracle of Delphi: "also, no one is Athens is hornier than Socrates."
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Socrates Invents Western Civilization
"Oh and also, if you ever write any of this down, Plato, make sure to record how much I like gay sex."
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Socrates the Cop
The other cops don't know how ignorant they are of what justice really is.
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Philosophy Job Interview
This is exactly how interviews go for philosophy professors and no one can convince me otherwise.
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Socrates 101
"A bad teacher you say? Well, it sure seems like you know a lot about 'badness'. I agree, you do know about that one, because you are a bad student."
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Diogenes and Plato
By the way, if you are being bullied in school, the advice you will often get from your parents and teachers is to ignore them and they will stop. This is bad advice. Trust me, if you bite them, that will be the end of it.
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Philosophy Infomercial
"But wait, if you order in the next 15 minutes, we'll throw in a Existentialism for free! You'll be in profound, inescapable despair in no time!"
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Emo Socrates
Emo Plato: "If you are in a cave with a bunch of happy people, and you go outside and discover how sad everything is, you are obligated to go back into the cave and totally bum everyone out until they are just as sad as you."
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Socrates Gets Socrates'd
"Man, I can see why they wanted to kill me."
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Jury Selection
If you've noticed any characters appearing and disappearing, it isn't because the artist is lazy, it is because an evil demon is deceiving you.
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Socrates on the Lake
Although on second thought, what even is the nature of "winning an argument?"
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Athenian Park
"What are you doing with that tranquillizer gun?"
"Tranquillizer gun? This is a hemlock gun."
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"What, is it in present day or ancient Greece?"
"Uh...another power that Socratesman has is time travel..."
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Wise or Not Wise
"But Socrates, what will you do with the million?"
"I'll tell you what I'll do, two Athenian boy lovers...AT THE SAME TIME!"
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Good Cop, Pragmatist About the Nature of Truth Cop
In the end the jury decided that truth was more about a coherence between ideas themselves, and also that Socrates was a dick, so we might as well kill him.
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Gottfried Leibniz and the Quest for the Holy Grail
The French guy is being played by Voltaire, of course.
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The "Apology"
It's pretty shocking that Socrates's strategy of giving a 30 minute speech on why all the people who were about to judge him were stupid idiots didn't work out for him
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A very spooky philosophy Halloween
Camus came dressed as himself, because what is really scary is how sexy he is.
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Hypatia of Alexandria and the Seven Presocratics
Later on, Socrates forgot that he poisoned the apple, and ate it himself. Plato had to make up this whole story about an apology, because it was just too embarrassing.
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Philosophy Club
When you think about it, any club can be a fight club with enough spirit.
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The Socratic Method
"Oracle of Delphi, who is the most obnoxious man in all of Athens?"
"Certainly you are, Socrates"
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The Problems of Philosophers
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