Cartesian Pickup Advice
Cartesian incel: If your eyes have been deceived once (by a woman wearing makeup), then how can you ever trust your senses again?
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Dogmatic Slumber
Whether Hume actually awoke Kant from his dogmatic slumber or if it was just a coincidence, is truly one of the greatest mysteries of philosophy.
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Philosophical Pickup Lines
Generally speaking philosophy is actually a super good for picking up women if what you want to do with them is dicuss philosophy.
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Extreme Skepticism
Did Pyrrho know how cool he was? Nah, he was so cool he didn't have to.
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Philosopher's Cookoff
"When you think about it though 'you are a terrible cook, Wittgenstein' is just a move in a language game..."
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Humean Seduction
"Just because every girl I've ever witnessed in the past has preferred Camus to me, doesn't mean they will in the future!"
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Humean Child Raising
Also...God isn't real, just so you know.
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Hume and Avicenna
Thought experiment: what if we took other people's intuitions as seriously as our own?
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Buddha and Hume
"Wait, I see what you are doing. You are trying to seem cool and aloof, because you know women like that."
"No, Hume, once you realize the flesh decays and rots away, and physical beauty passes, you will realize that pursuing it cannot bring you lasting pleasure."
"Lasting? I'm only looking for about five minutes!"
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Sherlock Hume
Hey, just because I've always been wrong about every other case, doesn't mean I'm wrong about this one!
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Philosophers at the Casino
Hume had been burned by Descartes before, but he figured that was no reason not to trust him now...
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And so Hume's skepticism was defeated. Or...was it? Can we really ever know? Dun dun dunnnnnn.
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The Life of Francis
"You've got to always look on the bright side of life.
Because any attempt to deduce the bright of life from reason alone will still rely on concepts gained from prior experience of the bright side of liiiiiife."
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Immanuel Kant: the 40 Year Old Virgin
Earlier that night:
"Is that really what you are wearing?"
"Yes, men love huge feather hats. They find them very attractive."
"Alright...whatever, let's just go."
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Rebel Without a Constant Conjunction
"Hey Dad, I need some advice on dealing with some trouble I'm in with the Transcendental Idealists."
"Son, how many times have I told you not to hang around Transcendental Idealists? Why don't you hang out with that nice Empiricist boy from the church?"
"Berkeley? He is such a loser!"
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Skeptiholics Anonymous
Does Sextus Empiricus have the sexiest name of any philosopher? Well, there is actually no way to know, so we should withhold judgement.
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Star Trek: but instead of normal, it's with philosophers
You'd think I would have called it "The Wrath of Kant", but no. I decided to use a way better title instead.
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The Philosophy Superbowl
In many ways Wittgenstein is similar to Tom Brady, whose first Superbowl was also based on a mistake: the Tuck Rule. Also, they are both devastatingly handsome.
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Philosophy Tech Support
Hello, customer complaints, this is Leibniz. Oh yeah? Well, this is the best of all possible customer support centers, so that can't be true
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Immanuel Kant: Fresh Prince of Philosophy
It's a well known historical fact that David Hume laughed maniacally the entire time he was writing An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.
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The Problems of Philosophers
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