A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes

Philosophy News Network: Strike

"Oh and I almost forgot, one more demand: we need eight billions dollars to construct an imaginary Large Hadron Collider to help us with our thought experiments."

The Philosophy Force Five vs the Scientismists

Some people are going to say this was an unfair portrayal of Sam Harris, but considering I didn't have him say anything openly sexist, I'd say it was pretty generous.

Twelve Angry Philosophers

What? You didn't expect twelve philosophers to agree on something did you?

Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophers III: Ladies' Night at the Dragon's Den

Arendt made one last attempt to save her alignment by saying she was just following party leadership, so shouldn't be held accountable, but it didn't go over well.
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