Resident Philosopher for AI Ethics

They ended up going with the guy who told them it was their moral obligation to make as much money as possible so they could give a bit back to charity after, for uh...altruism or something.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/588
Will To Build a Pyramid

Genuinely one of the strangest aspects of our society that this could literally happen. Like if Elon Musk died and left his money in his will to "build a pyramid" we would just...do it.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/498
Communist Brainstorming

Also has anyone tried running really fast away from capitalists and getting them to chase you over a cliff? Could work.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/389
Anarchist Organizing
![Everyone in the comic was arrested in real life for what they are arguing to do. Cops have always been the same. Mikhail Bakunin: "Welcome everyone to the anarchist meeting, we are trying to decide what action to take to best move anarchism forward. I say we begin by distributing literature to the peasants about democracy."
Peter Kropotkin: "That's nice Bakunin, but i think it will be better to try and create a network of mutual aid, and organizing the distribution of bread to all."
Emma Goldman: "What if we teach women about birth control so they can take control of their sexuality?
Kropotkin: "No one cares about sex,Goldman, we need a revolution!"
Goldman: "Perhaps at your age, Kropotkin, but i can assure you that people care about sex."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: "What if we come up with some really devastating insults to world leaders? That would teach them."
Goldman: "Proudhon, be serious."
Proudhon: "I mean like...real zingers. It might work!"
Goldman: "You are an idiot."
Proudhon: "Exactly, like that! Did anyone write that down?"
[ 25 days later ]
Bakunin: "Okay, we are decided, we'll just do them all since none of us could agree. let's get to work!"
Description: The police arrive immediately and start to beat them all up with clubs.
Police officer: "That will teach you violent anarchists not to disrupt peaceful, civil society! You are all arrested."](http://static.existentialcomics.com/comics/AnarchistOrganizing.png)
Everyone in the comic was arrested in real life for what they are arguing to do. Cops have always been the same.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/345
Anarchy in the UK

There is nothing more punk rock than mutual aid.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/247
Anarchist Monopoly

Oh also, the other part of the game is when everyone forgets their differences for a bit to kill the fascists that are invading from the Risk game.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/159
Jury Selection

If you've noticed any characters appearing and disappearing, it isn't because the artist is lazy, it is because an evil demon is deceiving you.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/155