Immanual Kant Writes His Dating Profile

"Is it always immoral to lie on your dating profile? I mean yeah...but come on guys, I've been on this site for like a year and havn't got any dates...there are limits to every rule."
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/298
Hegel and the March of History

Legends say there was a man once who read all the way through Phenomenology of Spirit, cover to cover, but the moment he read the final page he died of exhaustion.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/221
Hegel and Fichte

some people think this comic is educational lol
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/207
Kant Goes to Poker Night

"Wait, but isn't stealing also wrong, according the the Categorical Imperative?"
"Ah, common mistake, you are applying the maxim too broadly. The maxim of what we are doing isn't 'stealing', it is 'getting one over on Nietzsche', which as you know is not only morally permissible, but in fact a moral imperative."
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/176