Anarchist Chess

Shoutout to /r/AnarchyChess, the least funny subreddit in existence.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/519
Seize the Means of Production

Once the revolution is over the real work begins (infighting).
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/514
Communist Brainstorming

Also has anyone tried running really fast away from capitalists and getting them to chase you over a cliff? Could work.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/389
Anarchist Organizing
![Everyone in the comic was arrested in real life for what they are arguing to do. Cops have always been the same. Mikhail Bakunin: "Welcome everyone to the anarchist meeting, we are trying to decide what action to take to best move anarchism forward. I say we begin by distributing literature to the peasants about democracy."
Peter Kropotkin: "That's nice Bakunin, but i think it will be better to try and create a network of mutual aid, and organizing the distribution of bread to all."
Emma Goldman: "What if we teach women about birth control so they can take control of their sexuality?
Kropotkin: "No one cares about sex,Goldman, we need a revolution!"
Goldman: "Perhaps at your age, Kropotkin, but i can assure you that people care about sex."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: "What if we come up with some really devastating insults to world leaders? That would teach them."
Goldman: "Proudhon, be serious."
Proudhon: "I mean like...real zingers. It might work!"
Goldman: "You are an idiot."
Proudhon: "Exactly, like that! Did anyone write that down?"
[ 25 days later ]
Bakunin: "Okay, we are decided, we'll just do them all since none of us could agree. let's get to work!"
Description: The police arrive immediately and start to beat them all up with clubs.
Police officer: "That will teach you violent anarchists not to disrupt peaceful, civil society! You are all arrested."](http://static.existentialcomics.com/comics/AnarchistOrganizing.png)
Everyone in the comic was arrested in real life for what they are arguing to do. Cops have always been the same.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/345
Anarchist Monopoly

Oh also, the other part of the game is when everyone forgets their differences for a bit to kill the fascists that are invading from the Risk game.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/159