Diogenes and Plato

By the way, if you are being bullied in school, the advice you will often get from your parents and teachers is to ignore them and they will stop. This is bad advice. Trust me, if you bite them, that will be the end of it.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/219
Stoic School Athletics

Although I bet even the Stoics would be pretty pissed off if they blew a 28-3 lead in the Superbowl.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/179
Greek Hold'em

I gave them name tags because all Greek philosophers look alike. I don't mean that in a racist way...I mean it in a prejudice-against-philosophers way.
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/55
Diogenes's Lantern

Diogenes was a well known communist sympathizer
Permanent Link to this Comic: https://existentialcomics.com/comic/31