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Principal Kant

Immanual Kant: "So, i think you know why you've been sent to the principal's office."
Student: "I honestly have no idea."

Kant: "Did you, or did you not, write on Ms. Smith's teacher's evaluation that her lectures were “very interesting”?"
Student: "Um...yes."
Kant: "And are they?"
Student: "Look, i was just trying to be nice."

Kant: "You lied! They are boring, i've heard them. If everyone lied on their teacher evaluations then no one would believe what was written on them, making lying on them pointless! It's incoherent."

Kant: "Do you think it's “cool” or “hip” to act in such a way that you cannot, at the same time, will your maxim to become a universal law? Huh?"
Student: "No sir."

Kant: "I'm going to have to punish you with this ruler, but just know that i get no enjoyment out of this, i do it only because it is my duty."

[description]: Kant hits the student's hands with a ruler.

Kant: "Oh shit! i did enjoy that. Maybe you need to punish me."

[description]: student is now hitting Kant's hands with a ruler.
Kant: "Okay, but you are sure you aren't enjoying this?"
Student: "No, don't worry, pure duty. Now hold still."
Remember kids, nothing is cooler than following your moral imperative.
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According to Kant's moral philosophy, actions such as lying were not permissible because they could not be coherently "universalized". So if everyone lied all the time, it would undermine the very concept of lying, because no one would believe anything anyone said, making lying pointless. In addition, Kant believe that for an action to be moral, it had to be done out of a sense of duty. If you save someone from a burning building because you want a reward, or because you will be punished if you don't do it, you aren't doing anything moral - you must do it out of your moral duty to save them.

According to Kant's moral philosophy, actions such as lying were not permissible because they could not be coherently "universalized". So if everyone lied all the time, it would undermine the very concept of lying, because no one would believe anything anyone said, making lying pointless. In addition, Kant believe that for an action to be moral, it had to be done out of a sense of duty. If you save someone from a burning building because you want a reward, or because you will be punished if you don't do it, you aren't doing anything moral - you must do it out of your moral duty to save them.

Philosophers in this comic: Immanuel Kant
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