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Pyrrho wins the lottery

Pyrrho sometimes has a hard time believing whether or not it is butter
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Pyrrho was an ancient philosopher and one of the first skeptics. Little is known of Pyrhho, since most of his work was lost, however he was thought to be very extreme in his skepticism; perhaps even making the claim that we should hold no beliefs, as nothing can be truly known.

Find out more on the History of Philosophy With Any Gaps episode or at the Stanford Enclyclopia of Philosophy

Pyrrho was an ancient philosopher and one of the first skeptics. Little is known of Pyrhho, since most of his work was lost, however he was thought to be very extreme in his skepticism; perhaps even making the claim that we should hold no beliefs, as nothing can be truly known.

Find out more on the History of Philosophy With Any Gaps episode or at the Stanford Enclyclopia of Philosophy

Philosophers in this comic: Pyrrho
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